Our Newlywed Experience

Within the Body of Christ

Daily receiving life and grace from His constant hand:

"I said to the Lord, 'Thou art my Lord;

I have no good besides Thee.'" Ps 16:2

Monday, August 23, 2010

sun-snorkeling-STARFISH :D

His back usually looks like this because he WONT be still and let me rub it in...
this time he did- BUT the sunscreen gel was all funky :/  sowwy Gray...
Mmmm, claimed sanctuary underneath these clear waters like ALL morning :)
If Katie Freel Smith's face needs SPF 70- you KNOW its hott out!!
Hubby and Mommy- love this pic, love them :D

Pool/View behind the villa
Haha, John trying to clean up the beach and Mango puppy keeping things 'interesting'
Vitamine came in for a while
Sweet Kitty
Pets in the villa was at first hilarious, but it def makes it home-y :D
another intense game of uno
Grayson was probably cheating
Yeah, he was def cheating
Laughing because he is such a good cheater

...love this pic :D
But then I got him back for cheating...not so tough now huh???
Mmm- lunch was some amazing pizza left over from dinner at the Ritz
Tee Hee- ready to do some more SNORKELING!!
Quiet new beach we discovered on Cayman Kai at North Sound
GiRLiE HuG!!! sucka!

Getting ready to swim with the STARFISH!!
There were DOZENS!!! :D
pimp nasty
Sunset over Cayman Kai
Baby Holdie drivin!! Had to document!
Hmm, little blurry, sign says: 'East End' and 'George Town, Bodden Town'
One of the shells we'd gotten had a kwabbie still in it... he didnt make it :(
You kno... still gotta get dat weave..even on vay-cay
Walk down Bodden Town
View from Main Street

Purdy Sunset...
Hilarious story about this boat later- basically some guys took it out and almost capsized-
Daddy got pics of them tryin to bail water out
another day in paradise

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This place looks so beautiful!